Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New dess + School

Guten Abend!
So, I will start with design :). The last one was there for long time, so I decide to make new :D. Hope that you like it. I know, that it´s very dark, but it has some spell. I don´t know how long it will be there, but maybe not a lot of time, maybe I will make something bether. Maybe I will alsow change my nickname. Megan is quite old, but I don´t know. Maybe I would have something new and bether. but I don´t know what. I though about some nicknames, so we will see.

What about school, finally good. I would to write yesterday, but I didn´t because I was a long of time outside. School we have long, so my hobbys I manage just so so. We have some new teachers, more than last year, they´re ok. For siting I got good place, but teacher see me a lot. So he always first ask me. :DD

So, that all, I´m going to write some reviews I will finally start with the nails diary. I know I would it long time ago, but I wasn ´t enjoyed with that.

Yours Megan ;)